Beautiful People: Joss

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Beautiful people is a monthly writing meme hosted by Cait at Paper Fury and Sky at Further Up And Further in which we answer a set of questions about our characters to help us all get to know them better. Today I'll be focusing on Joss, one of the four main characters of my WIP.

1) What first inspired this character? Is there a person/actor you based them off?
I suppose she was inspired a little bit by the person I want to be. Joss isn't quite that person fully realized, but she's well on her way.

2) Describe their daily routine.
Wake up
Take meds
Shower, brush teeth
School OR Program
Free Time
Of course, things don't always go as planned in Joss's life...

3) If they joined your local high school, what clique would they fit into?
Honestly? Joss would be a floater, like I was. She's not one for conforming and she likes expanding her perspective through meeting new people with different views. But that nonconformist tendency also leads her to feel like she doesn't really fit in anywhere, or have a place to call home and this makes her very depressed at times.

4) Write a list of things they merely tolerate.
Small Mindedness

5) How do they react in awkward silences?
Joss would be the one filling the silence with nervous chatter. But her spirit is so infectious that soon that talk becomes genuine. She likes making others feel at ease, despite her confrontational streak.

6) Can they swim? If so, how did they learn?
Yes. She learned from a family friend.

7) What is one major event that helped shape who they are?
Probably the year she got depression. It changed her world completely.

8) What things do they value most in life?
Her family and her friends. She's fiercely loyal to and protective of those she loves and would do anything to keep them happy and healthy.

9) Do they believe in giving other people second chances? Do they have trust issues?
In her heart, she believes in giving people second chances, but she's been hurt too many times to not be a little skeptical. So yeah, I guess you could say she's got a few trust issues.

10) Your character is having a rough day...what things do they do to make them happy again? Is there anyone they talk/interact with to get in a better mood?
Probably dance around in her underwear singing her favorite songs at the top of her lungs (in the safety of her house of course). Joss isn't much of a talker when she's having a hard time. She feels like she's burdening other people with her problems. But her new friends are helping her get over that :)

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