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Welcome to Hardcover Haven, a haven for any and all bookworms! I'm Lila, your guide around this particular patch of internet. I'm a twenty-something college student studying anthropology. When I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing, spending time with family and friends, and/or snuggling my two cats, Snoopy and Clementine.



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Stacking The Shelves | April 30, 2016

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews in which we talk about the physical books/e-books/audiobooks we've aquired (bought, borrowed, or received for review, etc.). Here's what I've aquired in the past week:


It was a pretty dry week for library borrows. I didn't get much. I picked up Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway at the beginning of this past week, then yesterday I grabbed Branded by Abi Kerner and Missy Kalicki.


I used my Audible credit to grab The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi, which was one of my most anticipated 2016 debuts, so I'm really excited!!!


I received a copy of Gwenda Bond's Girl in the Shadows, which I'm excited for. I noticed this one because of the gorgeous cover, but then the synopsis really hooked me, so we'll see!


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