Books Read + Mini Reviews
DC Comics Bombshells Issue #1 by Marguerite Bennett and Marguerite Sauvage | 4/5 Stars
That was waaaaaaaay too short! But from what I saw, I think I'm gonna love this series. I love the storyline and the art is excellent! I can't wait to see what other superhero ladies show up!
The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi | 3/5 Stars
Honestly, this book really disappointed me. I thought the prose was beautiful, but at times it got out of hand and overtook the story. The plot and the characters were underdeveloped and the pacing had a weird feel to it. Still, despite this, the style of the writing was beautiful and I do think Chokshi shows promise as a developing writer.
Hawkeye Issue #1 by Matt Fraction and David Aja | 2/5 Stars
This issue was pretty "meh", in my opinion. They could've started with a stronger story to introduce Clint Barton/Hawkeye as a character. It didn't quite have me hooks. It'll take more than a cute dog to do that, I'm afraid...
The Great Hunt by Wendy Higgins | 3/5 Stars
This was a cute read, but by no meas substantial in any way. It was short and sweet, cliche and fluffy, but ya know what? I enjoyed it anyway. It was enough to begin to pull me out of my horrid slump, at least.
Blood Passage by Heather Demetrios | 3.5/5 Stars
This book was fun. By no means was it phenomenal writing, but it was fun. Demetrios does a great job of creating a spectacular journey full of trials and challenges and I had a great time reading about it. Plus there was a steamy romance! I can't wait to see where the next book goes, as it feels like the story is really building up to something awesome!
Young Avengers Vol. 1: Style > Substance by Kieron Gillen, Mike Norton, and Jamie McKelvie | 2.5/5 Stars
This book was really meh for me. The art was gorgeous, but the story was really lacking and even kind of boring. It just didn't pull me in that much and the characters didn't have much personality. Sorry?
That was waaaaaaaay too short! But from what I saw, I think I'm gonna love this series. I love the storyline and the art is excellent! I can't wait to see what other superhero ladies show up!
The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi | 3/5 Stars
Honestly, this book really disappointed me. I thought the prose was beautiful, but at times it got out of hand and overtook the story. The plot and the characters were underdeveloped and the pacing had a weird feel to it. Still, despite this, the style of the writing was beautiful and I do think Chokshi shows promise as a developing writer.
Hawkeye Issue #1 by Matt Fraction and David Aja | 2/5 Stars
This issue was pretty "meh", in my opinion. They could've started with a stronger story to introduce Clint Barton/Hawkeye as a character. It didn't quite have me hooks. It'll take more than a cute dog to do that, I'm afraid...
The Great Hunt by Wendy Higgins | 3/5 Stars
This was a cute read, but by no meas substantial in any way. It was short and sweet, cliche and fluffy, but ya know what? I enjoyed it anyway. It was enough to begin to pull me out of my horrid slump, at least.
Blood Passage by Heather Demetrios | 3.5/5 Stars
This book was fun. By no means was it phenomenal writing, but it was fun. Demetrios does a great job of creating a spectacular journey full of trials and challenges and I had a great time reading about it. Plus there was a steamy romance! I can't wait to see where the next book goes, as it feels like the story is really building up to something awesome!
Young Avengers Vol. 1: Style > Substance by Kieron Gillen, Mike Norton, and Jamie McKelvie | 2.5/5 Stars
This book was really meh for me. The art was gorgeous, but the story was really lacking and even kind of boring. It just didn't pull me in that much and the characters didn't have much personality. Sorry?
Challenge Updates
Goodreads Challenge
Read: 55/86 books
Achieved: 64%
Timing: 6 books ahead of schedule
Debut Author Challenge
The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi
Bookish Bingo
Second Chance
Set In Space--Starflight by Melissa Landers
Non Binary MC
Under 200 Pages--"Bridge of Snow" by Marie Rutkoski
Ugly Cover
Set Over 200 Years Ago--Into the Dim by Janet B. Taylor
March, April, May Release--A Study in Charlotte by Britany Cavallaro
Metallic Lettering--Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton
Based On A Real Event
Book Toward Another Challenge
Green Cover--Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
Retelling--Stars Above (The Little Android) by Marissa Meyer
Set In More Than One Country--The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig
Characters Aren't Human--Saga Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
Rec'd By More Than One Friend
Flowers On The Cover
MC Shares Your First Initial--Seven Black Diamonds by Melissa Marr
Written Under A Pen Name
More Than One Author--Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
End Of The World
Number In The Title--Zero Day by Jan Gangsei
Standalone--Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
Audiobook Challenge
The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi
The Great Hunt by Wendy Higgins
Blood Passage by Heather Demetrios
Book Haul
Book Bucket
Looking Ahead-Blogging
The schedule is pretty open and clear for this month!
Monthly Snapshots
Around The Blogosphere/Vlogosphere
- Reg has some sage advice for all you green-eyed book bloggers out there.
- Ali has a guide to requesting physical ARCs from publishers.
- Aine asks if negative reviews change your opinion of a book.
- Jenny discusses why book reviews are relevant and vital.
- Veda lists how heroines have changed from classic fairytales to Aelin Galathynius.
- Fadwa weighs the pros and cons of participating in memes.
- Nisha wonders if books should have maturity ratings.
- Melanie advises on how to kill off characters.
- Claire discusses the need for representation of military kids/families in YA fiction.
- Aine tells us why diversity in literature is important and it's so touching.
- Paul writes about how to turbo charge your reviews!
- Shar lists the dos and don'ts of audiobooks and it's definitely a must read for all you audiobook newbs out there!
- And finally, The Mary Sue (which, btws, is a great website you should totes check out if you haven't already) shared the trailer and description for the movie we've all been waiting for, Underwritten Female Characters: The Movie!
- Jo mulls over if books should have ratings like movies.
- Madeline takes on whether you can be feminine AND a warrior.
- Colleen Hoover gave us a new Maybe Someday short story and hinted that more might be coming in the future (NOTE: if you haven't read Maybe Someday, the excerpt is spoilery).
- Nino weighs the pros and cons of read-a-thons.
- Lydia does a great job of making the case for cheating in YA books.
- Ali asks how do you define YA.
- Rachel set up the ultimate book geek glossary.
- Olivia wonders if annual reading goals do more harm than good.
- Aimal turns over whether or not delayed book releases are a bad thing.
- Katie lists the myths she wishes YA would retell.
- Giselle interviews the one and only Jay Kristoff!
- Cait advises on how to force people to read your favorite book recommend books to people.
- Alex asks if technicalities or enjoyment matter more to you when rating a book.
- Jo discusses ghostwriting.
- Nicolette reflects on the problems she has with happy endings in books.
- Claire reflects on how a 6 page essay made her appreciate required reading.
- Michelle explains why you should read that hyped book.
- Shannon made a quiz so you can figure out if you're an anxious action reader!
- Olivia tells us how to survive a trip to the bookstore.
- Paige claims that she is YA despite not being a teen in a great post!
- Melanie wants to know if blog memes are necessary.
- Eve asks if you're the chosen one.
- Reg talks about what she wants to see more of in New Adult books.
My Favorite Things
- I can't stop dancing to Fifth Harmony's "Work From Home" and "That's My Girl"
- I'm also really into Ariana Grande's "Into You"
- I just adored the look of the upcoming Wonder Woman film from the SDCC trailer!
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