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Welcome to Hardcover Haven, a haven for any and all bookworms! I'm Lila, your guide around this particular patch of internet. I'm a twenty-something college student studying anthropology. When I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing, spending time with family and friends, and/or snuggling my two cats, Snoopy and Clementine.



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Potter Week Day 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Guys. I had a major realization yesterday. I haven't reread Harry Potter since I was 11. To give you some perspective, I am 21. I haven't reread the series in 10 years! I think I'm due for a reread! I do have the entire series on audiobook, but one major thing keeps me from listening to them all: they're all on cassette tapes! And I got rid of my cassette tape player a long time ago as it broke. And I don't want to buy the entire series on audiobook again from Audible as a) they're exorbitantly priced and b) I'm not wasting my credits buying audiobooks I've already listened to and own. You may be thinking, "Lila, why don't you just read the physical books???" Well, my friend, let me tell you! My physical books are falling apart. That's right. I read them so much they literally fell apart. So they're missing huge chunks of pages. Forgive me, I was young and did not know how to treat books well! So my HP reread is kinda doomed. Oh, well. *sigh* Such is life sometimes.

Anyways, on to the main topic of today. The above paragraph was basically one big long excuse to say, "Forgive me if my Potter knowledge is a tad rusty." Why should my Potter knowledge matter? Because Shivalika at Whimsy Journals tagged me for Potter week! So join me while I recount some of my fondest memories of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!

Potter Week Day 5

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Favorite Character:

Luna Lovegood

[credit goes to the artist (who is not me)]
To be totally honest, Luna Lovegood has an incredibly special place in my heart because she was the first character I ever seriously related to. Like myself, Luna is incredibly smart and sees things beyond their surface value. But what sets Luna apart is her unwavering belief in the unseen and her ability to open her mind to the possibility of the impossible in order to find the truth. This makkes her a target for bullies as she is seen as a weirdo who believes the impossible. Which is exactly like me and is why Luna has always been and will always be one of my all time favorite characters.

Favorite Scene:

Dumbledore's Army Trains

My favorite scenes in Order of the Phoenix were always the Dumbledore's Army training scenes which took place in The Room of Requirement. I think part of why I loved it was the idea that all of these teens from different houses and different walks of life came together to work as a team and lend their own individual skills to a greater cause. That was just a great moment of togetherness that I always loved. Plus, it seemed like s much fun too, so that helped!

Favorite Trio Moment:

Reunion at The Gaunt House

I always really liked the reunion scenes when it came to the trio. They were always just such great moments of love and friendship. I like that in this book, we get to see the trio reunite in a wholly new place that they have to kind of learn the ropes of, that was pretty neat!

Favorite Object:

The Prophecies

I LOVE the prophecies! Just all of the history behind them and the idea that they're captured in these orbs that the Ministry keeps "on file"! They''re just so mysterious. I'd love to learn more of the history and love behind them!

Favorite Spell:


I actually don't have a favorite spell that's specifically from Order of the Phoenix. I can't remember learning any new spells from the book. How about this! You guys tell me in the comments what new spells you learned in Order and what they do and which one is your favorite!

Favorite Creature:


Okay, so I know the phoenix seems like an obvious, cop out choice, but I swear to you it's not! The phoenix actually has great meaning to me as my middle name actually means phoenix and the mystical bird is my chosen patronus. The legend of the phoenix has also always brought me great hope and courage in times of struggle and so I love it very much.

Favorite Quote:

This quote from Luna Lovegood is such a great one (a direct quote that was taken from the book and made it into the movie). I have lost many things and many people in my life and so the idea that they are always with us and can never be truly lost is very comforting to me. So these wise words from Ms. Lovegood are truly a gem to me!


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