This tag was created by
Aentee at Read At Midnight! Though I wasn't tagged and the Pokemon Go phenomenon has yet to hit my household, the tag was so cute that I just couldn't resist doing it! So let's go (pun absolutely intended)!

Honestly, my mom read to me all through my childhood and that's what got me started reading, so I don't remember which exact book "started it all" for me. It was probably some board book like
Mama, Do You Love Me?
Harry Potter without a doubt! The series represents my childhood and not only was it incredibly magical (because, duh!), but it also taught me so many valuable lessons. The series really is a modern day iconic classic and I believe it will go down in history as The Book Series That Lived. Because it did. And it still does.

This is a tough one because hype generally doesn't really bother me. But I think maybe
The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson I guess. I wasn't particularly interested in it to begin with because a) I'm not much of a contemporary kinda gal and b) the storyline just didn't interest me. But the fact that it was so popular kinda desensitized me to the book. Idk *shrugs*

Oh gosh, hmmmm...Honestly, there's a lot...Mostly contemporaries because I feel like most contemporaries are really repetitive. Soooo...Maybe something like
The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick.
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon because dear god in heaven above those books are
massive! And the font is small too! But I really want to start it because it's so beloved and it seems really good!

The Diviners by Libba Bray! Talk about creepy! To make it worse, I went into the book thinking it was just a paranormal book and not knowing or expecting it to be a horror novel! You can imagine my surprise when thing got hairy!

I would take a bullet for Feyre x Rhysand. Just sayin'...

This is kinda hard for me to gage as I usually listen to audiobooks and when I don't listen to audiobooks, I'm a
painfully slow reader. BUT! I'm gonna go with the
Shatter Me trilogy because a) I zoomed through that series like a champion NASCAR driver and b) it's definitely fire-hot sexy for a YA series!

The easy answer to this would totally be
Harry Potter, but I don't want to repeat answers, so my answer to this question is
The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare. We already have two full novel series spin offs from
The Mortal Instruments (
The Infernal Devices and
The Dark Artifices) as well as two full novella series spin offs (
The Bane Chronicles and
Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy) and two more novel series spin offs in the works (
The Wicked Powers, which is a YA series spin off, and an adult series following Magnus Bane), but I don't think I could get sick of this world and hearing new stories about it. #WishGranted

I think I was a tad bit surprised by how awesome
Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples was. Not because I'd heard anything bad about it--in fact, it was quite the opposite, I heard so many good things about the series--but because it was the first graphic novel I'd read other than
Archie (and I hadn't read
Archie since I was 6 or 7) and I didn't know what to expect. The premise was just so...out there. But it turned out to be an awesome series. Sometimes, when I read it now, I'm still like, "Whoa, that's weird, man!" but I'm kinda used to it at this point.

Ever since pre BEA this year, there has been mad crazy hype over
Caraval by Stephanie Garber. But you know what? The hype has yet to make me bitter cuz I'm sure as hell anticipating this one
big time so it had better be good yo!

Those special house colored collector's editions of
Harry Potter in Gryffindor red and gold. Um, yes please and thank you! *drools*
Kingdom of Ash and Briars by Hannah West looks absolutely to die for! It's a mishmash of fairytale retellings with a magical original twist! *grabby hands*

There is no question that my ultimate auto-buy author is Sarah J. Maas. I would buy a grocery list if you told me that Maas wrote it.

I have been waiting for Laini Taylor to write another book since the minute I finished
Dreams of Gods and Monsters. And finally
Strange The Dreamer by Laini Taylor will be published this September, thank the heavens above!
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