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Welcome to Hardcover Haven, a haven for any and all bookworms! I'm Lila, your guide around this particular patch of internet. I'm a twenty-something college student studying anthropology. When I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing, spending time with family and friends, and/or snuggling my two cats, Snoopy and Clementine.



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#ReadThemAllThon TBR

So I don't usually do readathons but, Aentee, ya got me here. #ReadThemAllThon is a readathon created and hosted by Aentee at Read At Midnight and it looked like so much fun that I figured, "why no challenge myself and at least knock a book or two off of my TBR?" What do I have to lose, right (I mean, aside from my dignity and pride)? After all, the readathon does last three whole weeks, which is a lot of time! Anyhoo, you can find all the info on the readathon and the challenges and bonus challenges, as well as sign up here. There are 8 main "challenges" which serve as the building blocks of your TBR.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

I'm choosing to go with Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, which is the first books in The Dregs Duology. I bought this book last summer and have been super excited to read it, yet for some reason I haven't actually gotten to it. But now is the time! I've heard only great things about this books, so I'm sure I'll love it!

Salt To The Sea by Ruta Sepetys OR

Between Shades of Grey by Ruta Sepetys OR

The Book Thief bu Markus Zusak

This challenge was kinda difficult for me because I don't cry over books or TV or movies and I try to stay away from ones that I think will make me cry. Nevertheless, I found some library books that I think will fit the challenge. So for this challenge, I'm leaving myself three options, based on what's available at the library. If Salt to The Sea checks out in time, then I'll read that, but if not I'll read one of the other two based on what's available.

Truthwitch by Susan Dennard

As you all know, this book had massive, almost unheard of hype and as you all know, I did not like the first quarter of this book and temporarily DNFed it as a result. Well, I think it's time to pick  this book up again and give it another try. It's now or never (kind of).

Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

When I saw this challenge I was like "Perfect! I have a book that fits the bill exactly!" That book would be Passenger by Alexandra Bracken, which is a time traveling fantasy featuring an African American protagonist! I've heard kinda meh things about this book, so I'm pretty apprehensive but I'm willing to give it a try. I do own the freaking audiobook after all, might as well give it a fighting chance.

The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski

Anyone who has read The Winner's Trilogy knows that the romance is epic and angsty! I just can't even! I've been waiting for the perfect time to finish the series and it's been calling to me!

Uprooted by Naomi Novik

Uprooted sounds like one of the most magical books of 2015--it certainly was one of the most hyped, that's for sure! This book centers around a magician who "steals" an exceptional girl from a nearby town every few years and makes them his apprentice. At least, I think that's roughly how it goes. Whatever, it sounds good and I know for sure it has magic in it!

This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab

I am super excited to get to this book! I just recently got the audiobook and I've sampled it and so far, so good! I think the concept behind this story and the themes running through it sound incredible and it would be my first time reading a V.E./Victoria Schwab book!

The Last Star by Rick Yancey

Now this read depends on if this book checks out from the library in time. It may not, so it's last on my list, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm kinda meh on The 5th Wave trilogy after the second book, but I do have some vague interest in seeing how it all ends so we'll have to see...

And that's it! That's my TBR! I'm not going for any of the bonus challenges as I'm not a particularly fast reader/listener. Since this is my second time trying a readathon, I'm hoping to finish at least three book. I think I can do more, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. 

Are you guys joining #ReadThemAllThon? If so, what are your goals for this readathon? And, most importantly, what's on you #ReadThemAllThon TBR???Tell me all in the comments!


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