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Welcome to Hardcover Haven, a haven for any and all bookworms! I'm Lila, your guide around this particular patch of internet. I'm a twenty-something college student studying anthropology. When I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing, spending time with family and friends, and/or snuggling my two cats, Snoopy and Clementine.



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Obsession Confession | Avenging Jessica James Because I Feel It Still

Hey, friends! I'm back after a busy week of searching to share all of my latest obsessions with y'all in this week's segment of Obsession Confession! Let's jump right in!


I picked up Avenged, the recently released sequel to Amy Tintera's Ruined and I'm really loving it so far! The book didn't waste any time and go to the juicy drama real fast! I cant say much about Avenged, since it's a sequel, but Ruined is about a girl who murders a princess and takes her place so she can marry an enemy prince and infiltrate the royal family to take it down from the inside! It's filled to bursting with action and romance and it's just an all-around good time!


The minute I heard the opening chords of "Feel It Still" by Portugal The Man, I knew I was going to love the song. And I was right! The song had me all-out dancing by the end of it! I've had it on repeat since!


I'm gonna be honest here, I keep seeing the title of The Incredible Jessica James and double taking because I think it says "Jessica Jones." But that's not really the point here. The point is that I don't know what this movie's about but it looks hilariously close to what a Lifetime movie about me would look like, so, needless to say...I'm so  here for this!

Other Stuff

So, I don't talk about it much, but I've always been a big poetry fan. For a while there, though, I wasn't really reading much of it. But, when I did read poetry, it was usually by Nikita Gill or Atticus. So about a week and a half ago, I caved and bought Nikita Gill's poetry book, Your Soul Is A River. I can't exactly say I'm surprised that I love the book, given that I've been a fan of Gill's poetry for a while now. I just find her poetry very calming and also incredibly healing. If you've ever been through any kind of trauma or just love poetry, definitely check Gill's work out!


Big news for all you John Green fans! After literal years of literary silence, John Green is releasing a new book! So far all we know is that the book is called Turtles All The Way Down, but I'm sure it'll be deep and philosophical in that unmistakably John Green way. Keep an eye out for more news about this exciting release!

Around The Blogosphere/Vlogosphere

Emma from emmmabooks over on YouTube posted a great video of whether or not listening to audiobooks counts as "real" reading. Emma, a psychology major in university, looked at listening to audiobooks from a neurological and psychological perspective to show how reading an listening to a book are really the same. She also made excellent points about the inherent ableism in the claim that audiobooks aren't "real" books. I highly recommend you watch the video and engage in the conversation!

Nice Things

Saw this and it made me smile, so I figured I'd share it!

So that's it for today, peeps! Tell me about all of your latest obsessions in the comments! TTYL!


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