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Welcome to Hardcover Haven, a haven for any and all bookworms! I'm Lila, your guide around this particular patch of internet. I'm a twenty-something college student studying anthropology. When I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing, spending time with family and friends, and/or snuggling my two cats, Snoopy and Clementine.



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Musing Monday | April 25, 2016

Musing Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Miz B at Books And A Beat in which we pick a question to answer. The questions are…
  • I'm currently reading...
  • Up next I think I'll read...
  • I bought the following book(s) in the past week...
  • I'm super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish news)...
  • I'm really upset by (book/author/bookish news)...
  • I can't wait to get a copy of...
  • I wish I could read ____ , but...
  • I blogged about _____ this past week...
THIS WEEK'S RANDOM QUESTION: Your favorite poem or collection of poetry?
This week I'll be answering...

I'm currently reading...
So I binged Cora Carmack's Losing It trilogy and now I'm on the last few chapters of Finding It. I'm really enjoying it, though I found this one a lot darker than the others and slightly triggering. But that's okay because I liked it otherwise!

And now, for this week's random question...
Your favorite poem or collection of poetry?
I've always had a deep love of reading and writing poetry since I was young. I remember writing my first real poem when I was 6 and falling in love with the art form. Anyway, that's a story for another time. My all time favorite poem has to be "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes. I love so many things about it, but most of all it reminds me of the things my own mother always told me. Life is hard and she's had it hard, but that doesn't mean you give up. Here's the poem for your enjoyment:

Well, son, I’ll tell you:
Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
But all the time
I’se been a-climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So boy, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps
’Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now—
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.


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