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Welcome to Hardcover Haven, a haven for any and all bookworms! I'm Lila, your guide around this particular patch of internet. I'm a twenty-something college student studying anthropology. When I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing, spending time with family and friends, and/or snuggling my two cats, Snoopy and Clementine.



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(A Better Late Than Never) Sunday Post | June 19, 2016

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. This is your news post, so personalize it! Include as much as you want or as little. Be creative, it can be a vlog or just a showcase of your goodies. Link up once a week or once a month, you decide. Book haul can include library books, yard sale finds, arcs and bought books..share them!



Currently Reading So slightly funny and mostly devastating story--I was in the middle of reading Paullina Simons's The Bronze Horseman (and I was enjoying it, mind you!), when I had to return it! *shakes fist and curses library's name* Anyhoo, I consoled myself by picking up (and becoming obsessed with)...
  • A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas
Books Borrowed And Bought 

-Borrowed If you recognize these it's because all of these are books I have previously checked out but that had to go back to the library before I got a chance to read them...
  • Girl in the Blue Coat by Monica Hesse
  • Dreamers Often Lie by Jacqueline West
  • Soundless by Richelle Mead
-Bought Nothin' here to see!

-Received For Review I am supremely excited for this book...
  • Iron Cast by Destiny Soria


  • Gotham Academy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy by Becky Cloonan, Brendan Fletcher, and Karl Kerschl
  • The Rose and the Dagger by Renee Ahdieh
  • Batgirl Vol. 1: The Batgirl of Burnside by Cameron Stewart, Brendan Fletcher, Jared K. Fletcher, Maris Wicks, and Babs Tarr


Things To Do In An Emergency

(Note: I may have come up with these ideas after watching a ton of TV and reading a few comics...)

1. Break out the ninja moves
2. Grab the samurai sword and pull off some sweet moves while singing The Yeah Yeah Yeahs' "Heads Will Roll"
3. Hack your enemy and turn over their files to the government. Wait for the charges to be pressed while munching on yummy snacks.
4. Be the emergency (a.k.a. the "zen approach")
5. Or, if you are untrained and/or ill-equipped to do any of the above, just shout "I'M THE FLASH!" and run away.



For More, Visit Me On Instagram @thebookkeeper5
Nothin' here to see this week!


So you may be asking, "Why is she posting the Sunday Post on a Wednesday?" and to that I say, "I'VE BEEN READING, OKAY?!?!!! I GOT A LITTLE PREOCCUPIED!!!" Anyhow, I'm here with a very late Sunday Post and better late than never, right? Here's what's been up.

Oh, boy. So I wrote my first letter to an audiobook publishing house to request review copies. It was so nerve wracking! But, in the end, I'm happy with my letter template. Here's to hoping I get approved! In other news, I listened to Hamilton for the first time ever and it was life changing. That's saying something because I'm not the hugest fan of Broadway, lol!

In blogging news, I celebrated my 6 month blogaversary, as well as gaining over 400 followers! I also posted a discussion about the differences between YA and adult literature, which got many great and thoughtful responses. In addition, over on Book Conversion, Claire and I sorted the characters of the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas into Hogwarts houses and it was a blast!

That's pretty much it. How have y'all been? Got any summer plans? How are you keeping cool? Or maybe it's turning to fall where you are? Tell me all in the comments!

Over And Out!


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