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Welcome to Hardcover Haven, a haven for any and all bookworms! I'm Lila, your guide around this particular patch of internet. I'm a twenty-something college student studying anthropology. When I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing, spending time with family and friends, and/or snuggling my two cats, Snoopy and Clementine.



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visual book blog

Sunday Shelving | August 14, 2016

Hey, ducklings! Welcome back to Sunday Shelving! Suday Shelving is a Frankenstein-esque mishmash of the weekly memes Staking The Shelves and Sunday Post, with my own twist on things! Here I'll be giving you my weekly recap and haul, as well as giving some love to my favorite posts of the week and to my favorite pictures from my bookstagram and recaping my week personally and blogging wise!

The Week In Books

Read And Reviewed

Ladies and gentlemen! I have officially failed to read/listen to any books in a week and a half! Please send help immediately as something is clearly wrong with me!

Currently Reading

Have I finished Crimson Bound? No? Did I even begin to read it? Ha! That would be a "no." Am I moving on for now? Yes. Have I even begun Nevernight by Jay Kristoff yet?...No.

The Haul


In case you missed out on the totally subtle message that the above gif is meant to convey: I borrowed nothing.


    I was on the fence, but I caved and bought the audiobook of Nevernight by Jay Kristoff. I've heard mixed reviews about this one, so I'm going into it pretty cautiously. I'm apprehensive because I know the prose is dense with metaphors and that the books contains extremely graphic sex and violence (for those of you still unaware, this is 100% an ADULT book, despite having a teen protagonist). We shall see, we shall see...*strokes chin thoughtfully*


      I almost thought I got nothing because I didn't see or receive any email notifications from Netgalley or Edelweiss but then last night I got on Edelweiss to browse and saw that I'd been approved for the beautiful e-ARC that is Tara Sim's Timekeeper! I'm so excited! Timekeeper was one of my most anticipated books of fall 2016 so I'm really looking forward to getting to it!

      Sunday Snapshots

      You can follow me on bookstagram @thebookkeeper5

      Link Lovin'

      Personal & Blogging News

      Oy vey! It's been a crazy week full of doctors appointments and computer troubles! But even still, it wasn't really a bad week. My mom's laptop broke the week before ths past week, so she commandeered mine, but Friday night, when she was in the middle of working on my laptop, it went berserk! Luckily Geek Squad was able to fix it remotely, as well as doing some routine maintenance! My mom got her new computer yesterday, I got my laptop back in better condition, and all was well in the kingdom! Other than that and doctors appointments, I did some work on my Book Blogger Creativity Project (BBCP) team's graphic and turned it in to my group!

      On the blog, there was some good stuff gong on. I tried out Wordless Wednesdays, which I really enjoyed, so I think I'll keep it up. I also joined the 2016 Discussion Challenge! For the first time in what feels like forever, I posted a discussion and I was actually really proud of it! The topic was "Am I Being Unfair In My Reviews?" and I got some great responses from y'all!

      Other than that, not much is going on. How are you doing, ducklings? What mischief have you gotten up to? Anything exciting or interesting happen? What was the last thing that made you laugh? Tell me all in the comments!

      Over and out!


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