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Welcome to Hardcover Haven, a haven for any and all bookworms! I'm Lila, your guide around this particular patch of internet. I'm a twenty-something college student studying anthropology. When I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing, spending time with family and friends, and/or snuggling my two cats, Snoopy and Clementine.



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The Monday Musts | I'm Ruining Genghis Khan's Strange Doctor

Heya, ducklings! It's that time of the week again: Monday. And you know what that means! Time for more fun with The Monday Musts! The Monday Musts is a weekly meme run by Jessica at Lovin' Los Libros in which we tell you our must reads, must listens, and must sees. So let's not dillydally any longer! Let's jump right in!

Must Read

Okay. I'm gonna make a slight caveat here and that is that this book isn't a blow you out of the watr example of stellar writing. But that being said, I'll be darned if it wasn't addicting af! This book is full of nonstop action, intrigue, and romance and had me glued to my earbuds (I listened to the audiobook). And the ending was intense, man, and left me begging for more! I can't to an adequate job of explaining the story, but if you click on the above cover, it'll take you to the Goodreads page for Ruined.

Must Listen

This song is...dare I say it for fear of sounding cheesy?...groovy? Let's go with "groovy," for lack of a better word. "Genghis Khan" is the type of song that just makes me wanna get down, ya feel me? It just has a touch of that good ol' funk, while still managing to sound modern enough to be hip! I suggest you take a listen and dare you not to be jammin' by the end of the song!

Must See

This movie look so freaking cool. To me (who doesn't know much about MCU), it looks like Marvel meets Inception! Which is a totally awesome mixture! And before anyone says it, yes, I am aware that this movie as some problematic casting issues. But all the same, it looks absolutely amazing!


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