Say What?!! 25 Bookish Facts About Me!

Friday, April 15, 2016

  1. Even though I am an avid reader, I have no desire to be an author unless the right idea strikes me.
  2. My preferred format is audiobooks. I think this might have something to do with the fact that I have severe ADHD/ADD and I often need to do something with my hands if I'm sitting still for too long.
  3. I dogear pages #sorrynotsorry
  4. I also write in my books. Again, #sorrynotsorry
  5. The most I've ever spent on on a book was $40.00 and it was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: The Illustrated Edition. It was "for my boyfriend" *cough, cough*.
  6. It was my mom who got me into reading, not Harry Potter. She read to me all throughout my childhood.
  7. I have over 500 books on my all time TBR
  8. I don't own any bookish merchandise...yet...
  9. I return audiobooks I dislike, but keep physical books I dislike. Don't ask me why...
  10. It's rare for me to hate a book I read. This is because I have a pretty good sense of what I'll like ad what I won't like so I rarely buy books I think I'll hate.
  11. I read the review before I buy a book.
  12. I have 8 bookshelves total and they're all double stacked!
  13. I love when publishers add extra special embellishments to books. Guess it's the designer in me.
  14. My room has always been lined with filled bookshelves, even before I could read.
  15. I have a not so secret Book Outlet addiction.
  16. I love the library!
  17. If I like an audiobook, I'll usually want a physical copy to put on my shelves.
  18. I'd love to collect bookmarks, even though I probably wouldn't use them.
  19. I once tried making a booktube video, failed miserably, and decided I liked blogging better.
  20. My drink of choice while reading is hot chocolate.
  21. I love "building my own character" in my imagination when authors describe characters.
  22. For this reason I generally don't fancast books.
  23. I have a ridiculously hard time recommending books. I want to recommend them all!
  24. The series I've read/listened to the most is Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling.
  25. I don't reread books.

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