1. Just One Day by Gayle Forman (England, France, Mexico)
Just One Day is a YA contemporary, but it's unique in that it innnvolves a lot of travel and in that it's kinda part fluffy contemporary, part dark and serious contemporary. It tells the story of typically straight-laced Alison, who is at the end of a group trip to Europe when she meets Willem. In a burst of spontaneity, Alison decides to travel to Paris for just one day. Some things go down and Alison must travel home alone. However, she feels that in Paris she felt a sense of life that she'd never felt before and she goes on a search to rediscover that feeling of life and to find her friend Willem as well! The story is a great depiction and discussion of life and depression and repression, ut the book does have it's fun moments as well! It's a great read!
2. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling (England)
In case you are the last person on Earth who hasn't read Harry Potter (in which case, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, MAN???!), I'm here to inform you that it takes place in England and is the story of a boy who discovers that he's a wizard and his fight against the ultimate evil (dun, dun, dunnnn).
3. The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon (Scotland)
Outlander tells the story of Claire, an American WWII nurse who is vacationing in Scotland with her husband when she falls back in time to long ago Scotland. There she meets Jamie Fraser, a handsome roguish Scot and they have many romantic adventures together!
4. Into The Dim by Janet B. Taylor (Scotland)
Into The Dim is pitched as the YA version of Outlander and I really enjoyed it! In Into The Dim, Hope discovers she's part of a time traveling family and that she must travel back in time to ancient Scotland to save her mother. Into The Dim is a fun and fast paced YA fantasy that's hard to put down!
5. The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi (Mythical India)
This book is based off of Indian folklore and the Hades and Persephone myth and takes place in a mythical India. It is the story of Maya, a princess with a horoscope predicting a marriage full of death and destruction. No one will marry Maya, until Amar, that is. But Maya soon finds that there may be something strange about Amar and that she, herself, may be more than she thought.
6. The Wrath and the Dawn Duology by Renee Ahdieh (Mythical Persia)
The Wrath and the Dawn Duology never mentions where in the world (ours or other) it takes place, but it is based off of Persian folklore, so I like to imagine it set in a mythical Persia. It is a retelling of 1001 Nights (also known as Arabian Nights) and tells the story of Shazi, who is married off to a murderous king and who charms him through storytelling. But there's much more to this tale--there's magic and romance and adventure galore! It's a wonderful book, full of beautiful writing and masterful storytelling!
7. 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson (England, France, and More)
13 Little Blue Envelopes is a fun, fluffy contemporary about a girl whose aunt dies and leaves the girl letters leading her on a kind of scavenger hunt across Europe. It's been a bit since I read this book, but I remember loving it! It's cute and adventurous and contains Johnson's trademark sense of humor!
8. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare (England)
In this Victorian era prequel to The Mortal Instruments, Tessa Gray finds herself tossed into the dark world of Shadowhunters and downworlders. The series is full of mystery, magic, and, of course, adventure (oh, and some hot fictional dudes too!). It's a total whirlwind of a ride!
9. The Conspiracy of Us and Map of Fates by Maggie Hall (France, Turkey, Greece, England, India)
In this action packed adventure, Avery West discovers her long lost father is part of an ancient, powerful secret society and that she, herself, is at the center of an ancient prophecy. Avery is must go on a worldwide adventure to stop an ancient evil and the escape the much more modern forces of danger as well! This series is so nonstop and fun and adventurous, you won't be able to set it down!
10. And I Darken by Kiersten White (Transylvania, The Ottoman Empire)
And I Darken is the story of Vlad The Impaler, but genderswapped! It centers around Lada (the female versioin of Vlad), her brother Radu, and Mehmet, an Ottoman prince and is a bloody tale full of gore and glory. It also happens to take place in Transylvania and The Ottoman Empire (which spanned modern day Southeastern Europe and Turkey). I'm currently in the midst of reading this book and while it's good, I wouldn't recommend it to the faint of heart as it's incredibly violent and not very happy...
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