Obsession Confession | The Last Magician Is Unforgettably Inhuman!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Heya, folks! How ya doing? I'm doing pretty well! It was a busy, busy week for me, but full of lots of fun things! Anyhoo...I also discovered lots of fun new things to obsess over! So now it's time to share them with you in another weekly segment of Obsession Confession!

I've been slowly making my way through The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell, but make no mistake, I am really enjoying the book! It's a time travel/heist story that largely takes takes place in the 1900-1910s-ish era and it's super fun! Definitely give it a read if you get the chance!

Most recently I've been jamming to "Unforgettable" by French Montana! Boy does that song make you wanna dance or what?! It's on the more chill side, but not so chill that you can't dance and groove to it! Take a listen!

Marvel's Inhumans trailer dropped at SDCC2017 and wow! What can I say? It looks amazing and I really can't wait to watch it! I've only gotten a tiny taste of the Inhumans in a few of the comics I've read, but nothing massive, so I can't wait to learn more!


The trailer for the film adaptation of Earnest Cline's Ready Player One was revealed and it looks great! I know the book was and remains very popular and I've tried reading it a few times, but just couldn't get into it. Even still, though, the film looks pretty cool and I'll probably check it ouut!

Around The Blogosphere/Vlogosphere

I am sad to report that I have been a Very Bad Blogger and that I didn't read any other blogs this past week. :'(
Sorry, y'all, I was really busy! But tell me in the comments: what was your favorite blog post you read this past week???

Good Things
This made me laugh so much!

Aaaaand that's a wrap, folks! For this week, at least! Tell me in the comments what your favorite new obsessions from this past week are! And don't forget to tell me your favorite blog post you read from this past week! Ta ta for now, loves!

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