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Welcome to Hardcover Haven, a haven for any and all bookworms! I'm Lila, your guide around this particular patch of internet. I'm a twenty-something college student studying anthropology. When I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing, spending time with family and friends, and/or snuggling my two cats, Snoopy and Clementine.



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The Unique Blogger Award

My dearest friends! I am here to report that I am finally doing a tag that I was actually tagged in! This is it! My moment! My time to shine! I'd like to thank The Academy and...

Lol! Anyhow, moving on! I was nominated for the Unique Blogger Award by my lovely friend and co-blogger, Maggie! Thank you for the love, Maggie!


  1. Share the link of the blogger who nominated you
  2. Answer the questions the blogger who has nominated you has asked
  3. Nominate 8-13 people for the award
  4. Ask the bloggers you tagged 3 questions
Maggie's Questions

"What is your all-time favorite quote and why?"
Oooooh! This is a difficult question because I actually collect quotes! I keep a section of my journal where I write down all of my favorite quotes that inspire me. As you can imagine, that section is pretty full, seeing as literature contains some of the most beautiful, inspiring quotes! I can't possibly choose, so I've narrowed it down to my most recent favorite quote, which is:

"And in the darkness,
in the seconds when light
was a distant memory,
her broken heart
still thudding painful half beats,
she whispered to herself
"I will survive this."
and rose like a flame stronger
even from within her own ashes,
turning every tragedy
into a distant memory"
--"The Definition of A Phoenix" by Nikita Gill

That was a poem by one of my all-time favorite poets, Nikita Gill. I love this poem because it reminds me of one of my deepest core beliefs: there is no light at the end of the tunnel because the light was inside of you all along--sometimes it's a wildfire, sometimes it's an ember waiting to be lit, but it's always there.

"What is your true passion?"
I'd say I have two true passions and those would be singing and science (ah, would ya look at that alliteration, lol!).

I've known that I wanted to be a singer and a scientist since I was a toddler. My mom always fondly recalls me always going "AhAHahAHAHahAh..." when she rode the bus and she used to tell the other people on the bus that her daughter was gonna be an opera singer. She also recalls getting a medical scan when I was three and the doctor being shocked that I could accurately point out the red blood cells and the white blood cells. I remember that when I was six, people used to ask me what I wanted to be, expecting me to say that I wanted to be a princess or a rock star, and I would tell them that I wanted to be a marine biologist!

I think the thing about both music and science is that they both give me two things:

  1. A sense of connection with the universe and the people in it and
  2. The wonderful sense of being small in a wondrously large and mysterious universe

And those two things bring me a great sense of peace.

"What is the most unique thing about your home city/state/country--in your opinion?"
Oh man, that is a tough one! I'm from Washington, D.C. and while there are plenty of interesting, unique things about the city, it's difficult to name any one of those things on the spot cause I'm so used to them!

I think a funny fun fact about D.C. is that it was named the 10th happiest place to live in the US in 2017. It's funny cause I think that other people think, "Ugh! D.C.! Politics! Mean People!" when they think of D.C., but the fact that we're a happy place to live actually kinda makes sense to me. See, I've been to a ton of other major US cities in my lifetime, including New York City, Chicago, and Philadelphia, and none of them are quite like D.C.

Why? Well, you see, D.C. has a very unique energy about it. Most other major US cities are corporate strongholds, based around making money. Conversely, D.C. is focused around national and international politics, intelligence work, and military work--all jobs which are focused around serving others. Yeah, it's true, there are a fair share of crooked politicians, but the majority of people working in the city believe in what they're doing because they truly believe that they are working to better the world. Because of this, the city has a very purposeful, passionate energy. And, of course, finding purpose and passion in life are two major keys to happiness.

My Questions

1) What is your secret to living a happy life?

2) What is a signature item in your wardrobe? (note: can include a makeup item) 

3) Who are three fictional characters from books/movies/tv shows that you identify with and why?

I Nominate

Fadwa @ Word Wonders

Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews
Aimal @ Bookshelves And Paperbacks
Marie @ Drizzle And Hurricane Books
Analee @ Book Snacks
Emily @ Paperback Princess
Ayah @ Dystopian Ctzn
Meleika @ Endlessly Yarning
Ashleigh @ A Frolic Through Fiction
Ri @ Hiver et Cafe

I hope y'all enjoyed learning a bit more about me! What is one of your true passions? Thanks for dropping by and I'll see ya soon!


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