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Welcome to Hardcover Haven, a haven for any and all bookworms! I'm Lila, your guide around this particular patch of internet. I'm a twenty-something college student studying anthropology. When I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing, spending time with family and friends, and/or snuggling my two cats, Snoopy and Clementine.



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Month in Review | August 2017

Hello! It is I, Lila, back again to bring you a monthly update on my life and my latest favorites! How are y'all? I hope you're all well and if you're not, I hope life looks up for you soon! Anyhow, August brought many new things. While my bookish life took a downturn, everything else has been really good! So let's get straight to the updates!

Blogging Business
There's no real blogging business this month. I have slowed down with posting, but that's kinda just life getting in the way of internet time, so I can't really complain...

Reading Wrap Up + Mini Reviews
Y'all. I have a truly shocking confession to make: In

Book Haul

My September TBR is really small compared to my usual TBRs. Since I kinda fell back into my reading slump, I don't want to put too much pressure on myself to finish a ton of books. Instead, I decided that I want to finish my current read (The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell), then attempt to tackle my ARCs (The Goblins of Bellwater by Molly Ringle and The Fire Queen by Emily R. King), and finally move on to Warcross by Marie Lu.

Music Favorites
I had a lot of fun with my music favorites this month! There's a lot of pop and songs that are easy to dance to. I feel like these songs really embody my mood of late--fun, carefree, happy. I hope you enjoy these too and get to shimmy your hips a little.

Movie/TV Favorites
I finally began season two of Sense8! I'm not finished so no spoilers, but I'm rediscovering my love for the show. Everything about this show is just so amazing--the production, the story, the message, everything. I'm so, so, sooooooo sad there's not gonna be anymore seasons. For now, I'm just gonna slowly savor what we've got.

Other Favorites
I've been looking for a new daytime shade of lipgloss and I discovered the perfect brand and shade: Wet N' Wild shade 550! It's kind of a rusty rose-berry and it's absolutely perfect with my skin tone! The only downside is that it only lasts about four hours before you have to lightly reapply it. Even still, it's pretty perfect and I'm absolutely in love with it! 

  • The cast of the movie adaptation Angie Thomas's acclaimed 2017 debut novel, The Hate U Give, began to fill up
  • The cover and synopsis for John Green's upcoming novel, Turtles All The Way Down, was revealed
  • The Valiant by Lesley Livingston is being developed as a TV show set to air on The CW
  • Sabaa Tahir unveiled new covers for her Ember series, along with the title and cover for book three
  • V.E. Schwab announced her writing/publishing plans for the next couple of years and it has people buzzing!

Life Events
My life's actually been pretty chill of late. I've been hanging out with friends and going out dancing a lot, which has been really fun. I feel like my mental health is doing pretty well, which is great. I've been in the upstage of recovery since last year and I feel like I'm really hitting my stride. I've been really happy and untroubled by worries. Yes, there are still difficult days, but I make it through and I have confidence that I can make it through and that's the difference. I finally feel like I can smile again.


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