Obsession Confession // 1-800-DEFENDERS

Saturday, September 9, 2017

*pops up out of nowhere*
Hiya, friends! It's me, Lila! I'm back! I know it's been a little bit, but I have returned! I'm so, so, so sorry to have left you hanging there. My life got super crazy and so I had to put book blogging to the side for a bit. But things have finally slowed down a tad! Anyhoo, I've discovered a ton of new obsession to gush about with you!

Y'all, this is crazy!!! I haven't read anything for a month and a half!!! SEND! HELP!
I'm totally late to the party on this one, but I just discovered Logic's "1-800-273-8255" featuring Alesia Cara and Khalid and...wow.

If you don't know, the title of this song is the number for the national suicide hotline in the US. The song's lyrics are about being suicidal and slowly recovering, so I want to put a TRIGGER WARNING on this one and say if you are suicidal and/or depressed, this may not be the best song to listen to.

This song is so moving and so powerful and I can't express how happy I am that it's become so popular. It left me speechless and gave me goosebumps. "1-800-273-8255" is a truly amazing song.

So Netflix released The Defenders recently and I don't know about y'all but I am seriously hyped for this show! I'm still making my way through Jessica JonesDaredevilLuke Cage, and Iron Fist but I'm enjoying the minor character crossovers and cameos that happen in each show and I can't wait to see the heroes of Hell's Kitchen band together!

Other Stuff
All you makeup lovers out there, behold! I have found the perfect daytime shade of lipgloss for my skin tone! It is...Wet N' Wild lipgloss shade 550! *Squeeee*!!! I love this gloss so much! Lipstick and lipgloss are my favorite part of makeup--they can just bring out the prettiness of your skin tone so much and, I don't know about you, but they totally boost my confidence! The only downside to this brand of lipgloss is that it only lasts about four hours before you have to reapply it. But now that I know my shade, I can color match it with a longer lasting brand!

These are exciting times for fans of Sabaa Tahir. The popular author recently revealed the new covers for her Ember series, as well as the title and cover for book three!

Great news for fans of Lesley Livingston's latest book/series, The Valiant--the series is in development to become a show on The CW!

Fans of Victoria Schwab, rejoice! Schwab revealed her writing/publishing plans for the next few years and they include a spinoff of the Shades of London trilogy!

Life Needs Laughter!
Looking for a name for your child? Tumblr's got your back!

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