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Welcome to Hardcover Haven, a haven for any and all bookworms! I'm Lila, your guide around this particular patch of internet. I'm a twenty-something college student studying anthropology. When I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing, spending time with family and friends, and/or snuggling my two cats, Snoopy and Clementine.



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visual book blog

Hogwarts House Recommendation: Booktube Edition | Ravenclaw

Hello, friends! How have you been?

So I’ve had this exciting little idea for a tiny bit now and I wanted to finally share it with you because I can’t keep it to myself anymore!

I’ve been seeing all the super cool posts people have been making on Hogwarts house book recommendations and it struck me that a neat twist to put on that would be booktube channel recommendations based on your Hogwarts house! I love booktube and I feel like there are so many diverse personalities making booktube videos!

First up is Ravenclaw, a house which I must admit is super close to my heart as I myself am a Ravenclaw! Ravenclaws prize wit, wisdom, knowledge, and creativity and I would think that our taste in booktubers probably reflects that. Whether they’re more analytical and factual or nuanced and creative, I’ve chosen booktubers who I believe show an abundance of such qualities, thus demonstrating the spirit of Ravenclaw house!

A R I E L   B I S S E T T

Ariel is a booktuber who I tend to think of as The Ultimate Ravenclaw. She’s so intelligent and thoughtful, but in the most down-to-earth way. Every time I finish one of Ariel’s videos, I feel like I’ve learned something new. The great thing about Ariel’s videos is that she always finds a way to make you feel like she’s speaking with you, rather than at you, and in doing so she never leaves you feeling stupid or less than. If you’re a Ravenclaw, then Ariel is one booktuber who I think you’ve absolutely GOT to follow!


Marines is the intellectual snark queen of my heart! She’s another booktuber who I always feel like teaches me something new with each one of her videos and she does so in such a blunt, snarky, humorous way. Marines’s videos always promise a hilarious riot of an intellectual discourse and if that in any way sounds like a contradictory description, then I encourage you to go watch one of her videos immediately. If you enjoy a thorough yet oftentimes snark-filled dissection of books and literature-related topics, then Marines is definitely the booktuber for you!

M O N I C A   K I M

Monica is such a lovely, well-spoken, thoughtful booktuber. You can tell she puts so much care and thought into relaying her thoughts on books. I also love how Monica focuses so much on diverse literature and how she shares just why it’s so special to her and others in such an eloquent, heartfelt manner. Plus, I feel like Monica really showcases how you can be intellectually intelligent as well as creatively intelligent. Also I’ve gotta say Monica earns bonus points cause I love her funky, feminine fashion sense!

I T ' S J A N E L I N D S E Y

Jane’s gotta be one of my favorite intersectional feminist booktubers! The creator of the Feminist Lit February readathon, one MASSIVE focus of Jane’s channel is feminism and literature which promotes feminism. Jane’s videos and her thoughts on books are always so well thought out and precise. I know I can always count on Jane for very direct and passionate, yet well-considered opinions when it comes to books. I think any Ravenclaw would love Jane’s passion and intellect!

F R A N C I N A   S I M O N E

Francina’s videos are not only intellectually stimulating, but also freaking HILARIOUS! She manages to make such good points in the most relateable and funny ways. Francina is another booktuber who is really good at having an intellectual, factual discussion without talking down to her viewers. And, boy, does she bring the sass! Let me tell you, some of her videos have left me straight up cackling! She’s also good at bringing some reality to intellectual discussions. I think sometimes we forget that reality has a lot more emotional nuance than theoretical situations do and Francina is really good at reminding viewers of that fact. If you’re a Ravenclaw who enjoys nuanced discussions filled with a good bit of humor and sass, then Francina is the booktuber for you!

So that’s all I have for Ravenclaw booktuber recommendations and I hope you enjoyed! Every Hogwarts house and every person has so much to bring to the table of a discussion and I think these booktubers really personify the awesome qualities Ravenclaws can bring! But now I want to hear what you think!

T E L L   M E   A L L   A B O U T   I T

  • Do you agree with my recommendations?
  • Who are some booktubers that YOU think Ravenclaws would enjoy watching?
  • Who are your favorite booktubers?


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