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Welcome to Hardcover Haven, a haven for any and all bookworms! I'm Lila, your guide around this particular patch of internet. I'm a twenty-something college student studying anthropology. When I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing, spending time with family and friends, and/or snuggling my two cats, Snoopy and Clementine.



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Hogwarts House Recommendation: Booktube Edition | Hufflepuff

Hello, friends, and welcome to part three of my currently ongoing series in which I recommend booktubers based on a Hogwarts house! I've already talked about Ravenclaw and Slytherin, and today we'll be taking a dive into the house of Hufflepuff!

I think Hufflepuff is one of the most interesting Hogwarts houses because it's the only house that J.K. Rowling doesn't give much definition and focus to and in doing such, she kind of has allowed a lot of flexibility for Harry Potter fans themselves to decide what qualities Hufflepuffs embody. According to Pottermore, Hufflepuff is the house of "hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play." In addition, I personally associate Hufflepuffs with kindness, gentleness, compassion, positivity, and a natural inclination towards healing, both physical and emotional. When I think of Hufflepuffs, I think of people who aren't pushovers, but who stand up to others while still being mindful of their opponent's humanity. The booktubers I'm about to recommend are individuals who I personally think embody the qualities of a typical Hufflepuff.

H U F F L E P U F F   B O O K T U B E R S

Of all of the booktubers I watch, I would argue that Heather of Bookables is definitely the most Hufflepuff-y. Heather is so sweet and genuine! It's so clear that when giving what might be considered any kind of "controversial" opinion, Heather tries her best to be incredibly considerate of everyone's feelings, including those of people who might disagree with her. Heather is always so positive and I know I can always count on her to give thoughtful opinions. If you're looking for a great Hufflepuff booktuber to follow, definitely check out Heather's channel!

Books with Chloe
If I'm not mistaken, Chloe of Books With Chloe identifies as a Ravenclaw, but I think she seems a bit like a Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff mix. Chloe is so soft spoken and seems so kind. She's not afraid to voice negative opinions, but she seems to try to do so in a gentle and thoughtful way. Chloe also seems to make a lot of friends in the community who are from channels of all sizes, big and small. If you're looking for a Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw booktuber to give you a dose of intelligent, yet thoughtful and kind opinion, then give Chloe's channel a chance.

Super Space Chick
Super Space Chick's Kristin strikes me as the definition of a Hufflepuff fangirl. She's always upbeat, positive, and excited. It's clear she's always thoughtful when giving her opinions, even if they're negative ones. Kristin always has a refreshingly cheery outlook and definitely helps viewers look on the bright side. She's is peppy and fun and I always leave her videos feeling excited to read! If you want a bright, fun, cheery booktube channel to watch, then Kristin's channel is definitely one for you!

Alexa Loves Books
While this channel is called Alexa Loves Books, it actually consists of content made by two creators---Alexa and her husband, Macky. The two of them have to be the epitome of an adorkable Hufflepuff couple! Alexa and Macky love to fangirl/boy and geek out over books and it's so cute. They're both so soft-spoken and positive that I feel like I always end their videos feeling a bit cheerier. And---bonus!---they're actually good friends with Kristin of Super Space Chick, so sometimes she joins them in vlogs and the Hufflepuff-ness is overwhelming (but in, like, a good way)! So definitely give Alexa Loves Books a chance if you're looking to add some Hufflepuff-y bookish positivity in your life!

Chelsea Palmer
Chelsea of Chelsea Palmer is another booktuber who strikes me as a Hufflepuff fangirl. Her positivity and exuberance is so catchy and it's hard not to leave her videos feeling pumped about reading! Chelsea is always so happy to share her love of literature with everyone watching her videos. She's like a ray of Hufflepuff sunshine! So if you need that in your life, Chelsea's channel is for you!

So that's all I got today for Hufflepuff booktuber recommendations! These booktubers are ones who I really feel embody the exuberance, positivity, and kindness of Hufflepuff as a house. Thank you so much for joining me today and I hope y'all enjoyed!

T E L L   M E   A L L   A B O U T   I T

  • What's your Hogwarts house? Who are some booktubers you think share it?
  • Do you agree with my recommendations?
  • Who are some booktubers you think belong in Hufflepuff?


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